Choose Your Pottery Experience!

New in 2024 we proudly offer a one-time pottery studio experience for ages 8 and up. This experience is scheduled at your convenience. Times are flexible and can include day, evening or weekends. Groups of 2 to 5 students are accommodated. All materials and firing is included. The cost is $100. per person, click link above to purchase! Our studio is in Antioch, IL.

In this 2-hour class you will make your very own birdhouse, vase or teapot from scratch! Or pick your own project! Always wanted to learn to throw on the wheel? Make your own tiles? We’ll guide you every step of the way as you create your own piece of art - this is the Custom Experience! And we promise you will have fun! You need NO previous experience with clay.

A great way to get your taste of pottery making! Maybe a full 8-week class is in your future.

Call Jill with questions. 847.852.0636

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